Biography – Avril Carr
Avril Carr is 37, Irish and has been living in Al Ain for 8 years. She is a woman, wife to Michael and mother to Cara Bella. She is an English teacher and has recently completed her Hypnobirthing Instructor training through The Calm Birth School. She has a Degree in English, Sociology and Politics, a Masters Degree in Gender, Globalization and Human Rights and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education. She also has a terrible fear of balloons!
Avril is a passionate advocate for hypnobirthing because it is rooted in science, hormones and biology. It is a common-sense way to birth that allows a woman’s body and mind connection to be strengthened. When we know how birth works then we can engage in practices that help the process, making it calm, peaceful and enjoyable! Hypnobirthing aims to dispel the common misconceptions of birth. We are told that birth is an unsafe and something to dread. Hypnobirthing changes all that by instilling peace and positivity to the woman.
It took Avril and her husband 4 years and 6 rounds of IVF to meet their baby. During this time, Avril came to appreciate what women have to go through to arrive at their babies. The fears, pain and disappointments are untold. Having gone through her own experience, a love of birth and eliminating the fear attached to it has emerged. Her own experience of infertility makes her an understanding ear to any other woman who is going through the same or similar experiences. She is open and willing to help any woman who is in the same position. Please reach out.
She is now committed to guiding women to have a peaceful, calm, gentle and empowered births. She is passionate about helping women tap into their strength within. She is committed to helping women realise that labour should not be feared or dreaded. Through hypnobirthing, it can be a joyful, positive and incredible experience!
When Avril is not with her daughter, teaching English or facilitating hypnobirthing classes, she is resting! 1 year olds are no joke!
Awesome is a Pre/Post-Natal Yoga Professional who blends holistic spirituality with proven science to help and empower women to have positive birth experiences. Originally from Thailand, Awesome obtained a Master’s degree in Health Care Administration as well as being trained in physical therapy and as a Girls Gone Strong women’s health fitness coach. In 2016, while taking the AMANI Birth Childbirth Education and Birth Doula course, she became fascinated with not only childbirth strategies but also postpartum care methods from all around the world. As author of the upcoming book The Awesome Birth Method, she believes that pregnancy is beautiful and childbirth is an amazingly natural event probably for every mother's life. She believes mothers who prepare themselves physically, mentally and spiritually will not only receive more positive birth outcomes, but this also helps them to transition to motherhood smoothly.
She has a passion to advocate for women who feel (and have been) abandoned after childbirth because attention turns fully towards the needs of the baby. As much as it is important and natural to love and take care of your baby, mothers must also love and take care of themselves. She can show you how to do both.
You are invited for 5 days challenge "fit&firm mothers" right and effective post-pregnancy exercises with Awesome 1st-5th of March, 2021.
3- 3.30 pm on Zoom.
The right and effective yoga and exercises in the postpartum period help strengthen your core muscles, prevent or reduce low-back injuries, reduce the stress and boost your vital energy. “Fit & Firm Mothers” 5 days challenge will gives “me time” so you can focus on you, your body and mind which during the transition of motherhood. Take a great care of you so you can take care of your kids and others.
The Symphony of Scent
Jennifer Waldner has long been passionate about Mother Nature and the gifts She provides. Looking to the plants, trees and flowers for their powerful medicines and how to use them for optimal health on all levels, her passion for Aromatherapy has been years in the making.
A practicing Massage and Aromatherapist since 2006, Jennifer’s Aromatherapy specialty lies with her ability to craft personalized blends for the needs of her clients. She has worked with people of all ages, from all walks of life, with conditions ranging from anxiety, stress, chronic headaches, skin issues, muscular challenges, to palliative care with a focus on Cancer. In this workshop Jennifer will discuss the importance of the ‘Families’ and ‘Notes’ of Essential Oils. This knowledge will help you better understand the art of this craft and how to choose essential oils based on these essential properties.
“Essential oils are powerful vehicles for enhancing your health and well-being. I have witnessed their incredible powers on personal and professional levels. I am excited to share my passion and knowledge with you. I do not endorse any ‘brand’ of essential oils. I research the companies I source from and use the science behind these gifts as my guide.”
As a dancer and a choreographer, my quest is to search how to connect to the energies of life, exploring movements not for their aesthetics, but in their ability to awake inner-energy of body and mind. My parallel journey through Meditation, Sufi dance and martial arts made me realize that Dance could be considered as a dynamic Meditation practice.
Entering in our deep possibility to connect to the root-of-life through the body, I explore each movement as a branch of this cosmic-tree we embody as human.
My first works as choreographer were performances : the last ones are //Wild// on a dismantled oil-platform in the Gulf Sea wind, art-video format, and The Weave of Life I and II, for Sikka art fair.
My last show creation is #MEDITATE DANCE-THEATRE, with 8 artists on stage from Flamenco, Indian kathak dance and Kottakal, Chinese martial arts and contemporary dance, with live musicians.
On the journey of healing through dance and meditation, I also discovered many therapeutic knowledges and techniques, from the West and the East. After completing a 450 Hr training in Buddhist Philosophy, meditation and Tibetan psychology, in parallel to my artistic carrier I’ve been working as a psychotherapist since 3 years: I am specialised in short term therapies, in Gifted children or adults, using the strong tools of EFT, NLP, MBCT (from the West) and Non-Dual transformation from Tibetan tantric tradition for healing from Traumas leading to depression and PTSD.
I recently designed a zoom course, “WHO AM I?, A map for the human being// body-mind-energy interrelatedness”, theory and practice, which will start on the 27thFeb 2021 for 8 week-ends.
Say yes to your Mother and you say yes to Life
Often our relationship with our mother is rich and beautiful, but can often also be very complex and frustrating. In this workshop, we look beyond the past hurts and learn to connect with our mother in a different and more loving way through the eyes of Family Constellation. We will connect with your inner light, understanding that without your mother you wouldn’t be here. When you learn to say YES to your mother, you can truly say YES to your own life. Then your life will start unfolding.
Excerpt from “Love’s Hidden Symmetry” by Gunthard Weber & Hunter Beaumont
Instead of taking our parents as they are, children sometimes presume to evaluate them as if parents had to earn the right to be parents. They say, in effect, “I don’t like this about you, so you’re not my father.” Or, “You didn’t give me what I needed, so you can’t be my mother.” This is an absurd distortion of reality. Parents enter parenthood through the events of conception and birth, and these acts alone make them the child’s parents. Children are absolutely powerless to change anything about this first giving and taking.
Children experience inner solidity and a clear sense of identity when they find resolution with their parents, when they take both parents and acknowledge them as they are. They feel incomplete and empty when they exclude one or both of their parents from their hearts. The consequence of demeaning or excluding a parent is always the same – children become passive and feel empty. This is a common cause of depression.
Children, even when they’ve been hurt by their parents, can still say: “Yes, you are my parents. Everything that was in you is in me too. I acknowledge that you are my parents, and I accept the consequences that has for me. I take the good from what you gave, and I trust you to deal with your fate as you see fit.” Then they are free to set about the often difficult work of making the best out of what may be a very bad situation.
Over the past 30 years May-Britt has been working in the field of holistic health and personal development using various modalities such as Cranio Sacral Therapy, Life Coaching, Naturopathy, 3in1 Kinesiology, Family Constellation, Personality Consultancy and is currently finishing a teacher training in Kundalini Yoga and Osho Therapy. She has working and living experience in varies countries across Africa, the Middle East, Europe and is based in Dubai for the past 6 years.
Her work focuses on the Intuitive Body, by incorporating Family Constellation and meditation as a main tool in understanding the Self better. Her approach is always geared towards the need of the person based on the 5 levels of healing from Dr. Klinghardt. You will feel empowered and touched to the very core, unlocking limiting beliefs, resolving and letting go of emotional baggage from the past. By healing certain relationships with your family and replacing these with an in-depth understanding of who you are allows you to move forward and invite new and more positive elements into your life. All work exists in a none judgemental and safe space.
“Half of your being consists of your mother and half of your being consists of your father. You are here because of them; if they were not here you would not be here. All that is happening to you is, in a way, because of them … One has to become aware of this …
“So whatsoever they have done, you have to feel grateful for. And whatsoever is happening to you and will happen to you, they remain the cause, they remain your foundation. So don’t forget the foundation that’s all.”
– Osho
Esther is an artist, art therapist, counselor and author, who has just moved her business Art and Mind to Australia, after operating for several years in the Middle East.
Esther offers therapeutic sessions and courses for individuals, couples and groups. She will guide you through her signature process of “Centering, Connecting and Creating”, empowering you to regulate your emotions, to connect more effectively with yourself and with others, and to be proactive in creating the life you want. In your work with her you will have opportunities to explore guided imagery, poetic expression, mandalas, sandtray and symbol work, meditation, painting - and deep, old-fashioned conversation.
Come and find out just why using images and symbols is so effective in therapeutic work, and how to use them to expand your awareness and enhance your wellbeing.
Shani Brinkley. Founder of Feed Your Wellness
Shani Brinkley is an internationally certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach and Champion for Women’s Wellness. She created her own health plan, leading to personal triumph over obesity and releasing over 75 pounds of weight. Certified in Holistic Health and Nutrition Coaching from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York; her mission is to decrease obesity in children and women by providing access to holistic health practices.
Shani created her brand, Feed your Wellness; which is a holistic health service provider that customizes wellness initiatives for businesses, private clients, and school systems. Through Feed Your Wellness, Shani has produced international events and conferences including online and in-person workshops and retreats all focused on encouraging wellness through implementing daily self-care routines.
While living in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Shani produced the Women’s F.I.T. Show. It is a re-imagined fitness competition that celebrates women’s healthy habits; F is for Fitness Model, I is for Inspirator and T is for Transformation. Founded in 2017, The Women’s F.I.T Show has impacted over 300 women and families. Currently, expanding into Africa and the USA, Shani is excited about women from around the world entering the 2021 show. Find out more info at:
Empower your self-care and follow Shani’s latest wellness info at and on Instagram @feedyourwellness and @womensfitshow
Personal necessity and self-healing were the origins of my journey into Holism. Even though I have been practicing for close to two decades, it still feels like my journey has just begun. Every day is a new day of learning, evolving and loving what I do.
I am an intuitive holistic therapist, wellness coach and meditation facilitator. My down-to-earth approach regarding spirituality in our everyday lives arises out of self-empowerment and self-healing through a deeper connection with universal energy.
My holistic therapies acknowledge the delicate balance between mind, body and spirit, consequently inspiring, supporting and empowering a personal responsibility in the process of self-healing.
I am a contributing author to 'The Empowerment Manual' & 'Manifesting Modern Miracles' published by Visionary Insight Press, USA. Amazon author's page:
Whatsapp +97150 7212693
The Connection Between the Emotional and Physical Heart
Have you ever wondered why your chest hurts or your heart pounds when you have a good cry? Isn't it brilliant when your cheeks go rosy, you feel warm and your eyes twinkle when you receive a compliment, have a laugh, or get a hug? How about when you feel hot and your heart pounds when you are scared? Have you been diagnosed with a chronic illness and you feel that there is something not being addressed in your treatments or that there is difficulty in figuring out what is causing your symptoms? What is the connection between emotions and the physical heart? Do emotions really play a part in physical health?
Join me as we answer these questions!
Born and raised on Vancouver Island, Canada, Jakki was an athlete, adventure seeker and lover of all that life has to offer. At the age of 36, the unthinkable happened. Gaining large amounts of weight overnight, vomiting, unable to breathe and being so tired that a trip from the couch to the bathroom required a nap, she was turned away from Dr.’s Offices and Hospitals with a diagnosis of “You are just fat. Loose weight and you will feel better”. After months, Jakki was finally diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease. With a 15% functioning heart, malformed heart valve, and allergic to most medicines, she turned to alternative treatments, research, and support from her international community to help manage her illness. Identifying and treating root causes, she is now medicine, medical device, and surgery free with a fully functioning heart. Wanting to share her knowledge and help others, she is an Integrative Heart Health Coach to help others with Heart Disease, Risk Factors and other Chronic Illnesses who are looking for something different and a little magic to be empowered with knowledge and choice so that they can live their best lives. She loves to share her story and to help others embrace the power of self care and choice when it comes to their health.
For more information:
If you have any questions or would like to know how I can help you, you can contact me by;
1) Social Media on:
· #healthyheartcoachjakki
· #integrativehearthealthcoach
2) Email:
3) WhatsApp: +1 (250) 815 5858
1) I am not a medical professional, and this is not medical advice.
2) Please contact your Medical Team before making changes in your diet, exercise, or treatment plan.
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